Thursday, 11 March 2010

Thing 14

Thing 14

I've tried to set up a profile on LinkedIn, having watched the video and read all the introductory stuff. I must admit to a certain suspicion about it and I didn't really want to put all that information out there. Unfortunately, I can't get any further until I get the confirmation email, so it will have to wait till tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I have added four contacts - two colleagues, my sister and her boyfriend added me. I'm not quite sure how this application is meant to be useful to me - after all, I'm connected to three of those people by facebook and the latter two are big Twitter users and all four are people I'm in contact with anyway. I've looked through my colleagues' contacts, but not seen anyone I'd want to add. I guess it's one of those things that has to get beyond a critical mass of users to be useful.

    I like the idea of having work and social networks kept separate, but actually, my students use facebook, so if I need to get hold of them and email won't work (e.g. if they've left College but left belongings behind), that's a really handy way to get hold of them. So I'm not sure what use LinkedIn would be to me professionally.
