Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Thing 3

Thing 3

I am participating in 23 Things to learn more about what we can do as a Library to make more use of web 2.0 technology, if it is appropriate for our Library. As a two-person organisation, sometimes one between appointments, we don't want to commit ourselves to too many things to update. Most web 2.0 technology is only worthwhile if it is updated regularly, so this is a good way to experiment with what we can manage and what we can't and to find what might actually be used, rather than just jumping on the bandwagon of what is currently fashionable.

I regularly use facebook both socially and for work, though I am not yet sure what the use of our Library facebook page is. I share a blog for discussing the allotment I share with others, but don't follow other people's blogs, as a rule (life's too short!). I have never investigated Twitter, though I was recently asked what I thought about its use for Libraries. I used RSS feeds and online discussion groups when I was doing my MA course. For distance learning, the latter was really useful to feel connected to the other students, but I found the RSS feeds more of an annoyance than of use. Picasa and Flikr can be really useful for photo-sharing, but I find most people who used to share their photos this way now do so via facebook and that is how I would go about it. YouTube is a brilliant resource (and a fantastic time-waster!), but I'd never thought of it as having a work application, so I shall be interested to see what we discover on that front in week 6.

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