Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Thing 6

Thing 6

My first feed to subscribe to is Unshelved Answers. Connected with the Unshelved comic strip which brightens many of our inboxes each weekday morning, Unshelved Answers offers Library staff the world over an opportunity to pick each other's brains on topic as diverse as "What do I recommend to Twilight fans" to "Are there grants to pay for A/V machinery?".

I following a couple of other 23 Things blogs and may add others as we go along.


  1. Ahh sometimes Unshelved is the only bright thing in my Inbox. Thanks for reminding me to subscribe to it :)

  2. I also found a monthly allotment calendar to subsrcibe to, though whether it will actually tell me about things I actually want to grow is another matter.

  3. Also a feed about growing organic food because I was quite interested in what the author had to say.
